I recently taught a Sunday School lesson on the first chapter in Jonah and we discussed many aspects of that chapter. The idea of God's judgment against a nation or city prompted the most discussion. There was no disputing the fact that God has the right to judge a city or group of people because of their sin. The main point of discussion was about the present day and the United States. The question was "how long before God will judge the United States for the sins that are committed and seemingly celebrated by our culture?" I do not know the answer to this question. It is possible that God has already begun to punish the United States. The obsession with possessions and greedy nature of many Americans has led to a collapse in the housing market and apparently a very serious economic crisis. The change in morals has led to the destruction of the family in many places in America. Of course defaulting on your mortgage and losing your house is nothing compared the punishment that God has in store for people who ignored him and focused on themselves and possessions their entire lives. Overall the first chapter of Jonah shows us that God will judge sin of groups of people and of individuals. It also shows us that God is merciful and provides a way out of his wrath. In Nineveh's case it was the prophet Jonah offering a chance to repent. In the case of the United States we have grace provided through Jesus Christ. Grace is the only thing that will fix the problems that the United States of America faces.